The 4 types of responses you’ll get from medical professionals

Hey everyone, I believe knowledge is power.  So many of us have seen countless medical professionals, and still struggled to get answers. I’ve been through myself, and have gotten just about the full range of responses from the different medical pros I saw.  Whether that’s primary care doctors, pain management specialists, neurosurgeons, PTs… I leftContinueContinue reading “The 4 types of responses you’ll get from medical professionals”

Taking it to the next level: Neuromuscular Control

Hey everyone, My understanding of the SI joint, and the evolution of my recovery, has come in stages. Today, I want to tell you about a concept that was an absolute game-changer for me. When it comes to healing from SI joint dysfunction — or any injury, really — it isn’t just about making yourContinueContinue reading “Taking it to the next level: Neuromuscular Control”

Designing an exercise routine: The Cost-Benefit Analysis

Hey guys, One of the topics people most frequently ask about is the strengthening routine I used to stabilize my SI joints. A really common pitfall for many people is that they work with a physical therapist, or other professional, who gives them a list of exercises that are painful for them – and thenContinueContinue reading “Designing an exercise routine: The Cost-Benefit Analysis”

The most powerful core exercises can be subtle

Hey everyone, Here’s a topic that comes up sooo often in my coaching sessions— I wanted to be sure to address it on the blog! Today I wanted to talk to you about core strengthening. What a lot of people don’t know is that there’s a huge mind-body component to core strengthening (at least, whenContinueContinue reading “The most powerful core exercises can be subtle”

How I kept going with SI joint dysfunction

Hey everyone, So… I’m about to get real personal here. A question people often ask me is “how did you keep going?” when I was going through my own SI joint saga. I know exactly why you you guys are asking. I’ve totally been there myself, where it can seem really hard to believe you’llContinueContinue reading “How I kept going with SI joint dysfunction”

Levels of pathology: how some forms of misalignment are more serious than others

Hey everyone, A reader commented on my last post, asking if certain patterns of misalignment are more likely to cause nerve irritation than others. This actually really dovetailed nicely into what I planned to say next. What I’ve learned from my various PT mentors is that there are basically different levels of pathology when itContinueContinue reading “Levels of pathology: how some forms of misalignment are more serious than others”

Imaging and the SI joint

Hey everyone, A question my readers and coaching clients ask pretty often is whether imaging, such as an x-ray or MRI, can be used to diagnose SI joint dysfunction. Technically, imaging cannot be used to diagnose whether your SI joints are in or out of alignment. We are only talking about bones that may moveContinueContinue reading “Imaging and the SI joint”

Correcting your alignment: the missing piece of the puzzle

Hey everyone! I’ve been noticing a theme coming up often in my coaching calls lately: A lot of you are out there doing all the right things– going to physical therapy, wearing an SI belt, working on core strengthening– and still not seeing improvement. However, one thing that seems to be the case for manyContinueContinue reading “Correcting your alignment: the missing piece of the puzzle”

How walking on softer surfaces can reduce joint pain

Hi everyone! Today I wanted to talk to you about a little trick that I learned from my high-school running days. That trick is, in order to heal an injury (and also to prevent future injuries), try to do your exercise on a softer surface.–BaXKhEJ__c_b I know that a lot of you might inContinueContinue reading “How walking on softer surfaces can reduce joint pain”

A “rough” workout that made me super happy

Hi everyone, I wanted to share with you my experience going for a hike the other day, and why it was such a great feeling… even though I totally overdid it. This is maybe something that people who’ve had SI joint dysfunction, or have been injured for a long period of time, will understand. SoContinueContinue reading “A “rough” workout that made me super happy”