The 4 types of responses you’ll get from medical professionals

Hey everyone, I believe knowledge is power.  So many of us have seen countless medical professionals, and still struggled to get answers. I’ve been through myself, and have gotten just about the full range of responses from the different medical pros I saw.  Whether that’s primary care doctors, pain management specialists, neurosurgeons, PTs… I leftContinueContinue reading “The 4 types of responses you’ll get from medical professionals”

Taking it to the next level: Neuromuscular Control

Hey everyone, My understanding of the SI joint, and the evolution of my recovery, has come in stages. Today, I want to tell you about a concept that was an absolute game-changer for me. When it comes to healing from SI joint dysfunction — or any injury, really — it isn’t just about making yourContinueContinue reading “Taking it to the next level: Neuromuscular Control”

Designing an exercise routine: The Cost-Benefit Analysis

Hey guys, One of the topics people most frequently ask about is the strengthening routine I used to stabilize my SI joints. A really common pitfall for many people is that they work with a physical therapist, or other professional, who gives them a list of exercises that are painful for them – and thenContinueContinue reading “Designing an exercise routine: The Cost-Benefit Analysis”

✨ Why the transverse abdominis is your secret weapon ✨

Hey everyone, Did you know that the transverse abdominis, or TA, is the deepest muscle of your core? A lot of people don’t know about this, because it’s hidden underneath the “6-pack” muscle. You can’t see it. But research has shown that, when this muscle is contracted, it plays a powerful, POWERFUL role in stabilizingContinueContinue reading “✨ Why the transverse abdominis is your secret weapon ✨”

What my SI joint saga has taught me

Hey everyone, I’ve been having a huge epiphany recently … And I realized, my SI joint saga has taught me so much.  For so long, I felt something no one else could feel, and no one else seemed to believe… “What if you just decided to exercise anyway, even if it hurts? What’s the worstContinueContinue reading “What my SI joint saga has taught me”

The most powerful core exercises can be subtle

Hey everyone, Here’s a topic that comes up sooo often in my coaching sessions— I wanted to be sure to address it on the blog! Today I wanted to talk to you about core strengthening. What a lot of people don’t know is that there’s a huge mind-body component to core strengthening (at least, whenContinueContinue reading “The most powerful core exercises can be subtle”

My new world (how to read my blog!)

Hey everyone, As some of you know, I started this blog back in 2016 when I felt totally helpless. I was totally dependent on chiropractic adjustments, which I thought were the only thing that could help me, and I was beginning to think surgery was the only long-term answer. But somehow, something magic happened whenContinueContinue reading “My new world (how to read my blog!)”

Carole’s Story

When Carole found my site, she’d been struggling with mysterious lower back pain for years, and hadn’t yet found the right medical professionals to take her seriously. The only option she’d really been presented with was SI joint fusion surgery, without really being able to try anything else first. I was so excited to doContinueContinue reading “Carole’s Story”

Awareness is growing + NASM + the Posterior Oblique Sling

Hey everyone! Some positive updates for you today. I’ve recently started studying for the Certified Personal Trainer exam through the National Academy of Sports Medicine. It’s something I’ve thought of doing off and on throughout the years. I decided to finally do it, so that I can help my coaching clients with more targeted exerciseContinueContinue reading “Awareness is growing + NASM + the Posterior Oblique Sling”

How I kept going with SI joint dysfunction

Hey everyone, So… I’m about to get real personal here. A question people often ask me is “how did you keep going?” when I was going through my own SI joint saga. I know exactly why you you guys are asking. I’ve totally been there myself, where it can seem really hard to believe you’llContinueContinue reading “How I kept going with SI joint dysfunction”