My first Youtube video: Where is the sacroiliac joint?

Hi everyone!  Happy Monday.

You may know that I’ve been meaning to make Youtube videos for a while now.  When it comes to certain concepts regarding the SI joint, I’ve come to feel that long, wordy posts aren’t always the best way to convey information.

However, it’s taken me a while to actually collect my thoughts (never mind get up the courage!) to actually make a video.

But here, at long last, is my very first one.  I’m using my model pelvis to show you, from the front and the back, exactly where the sacroiliac joint is.

Why make a video explanation?

I know that those first few days I limped into my chiropractor’s office totally confused about what was going on, I would have been grateful to be given this explanation over and over.  (I needed to see it that many times to finally internalize what, exactly, this joint was!).

So here’s a visual explanation for you, and you can watch it as many times as you need.

To be honest:

I wish this video had come out a little bit more polished.   I’ve definitely learned that a lot more goes into making high-quality videos than I’d realized!

But still– I’m putting this out there.  Hopefully, it will be helpful for you, and for me, at least it takes the pressure off of finally publishing my first video!

So here it is.  

I hope you like this video (although I won’t blame you if you find the quality lacking!).  The next one will better.

You can also check out the other playlists on my Youtube channel.  I’ve saved a bunch of videos I find useful on topics such as the SI joint, chronic pain, and also general inspiration.

If you have any thoughts, questions, for suggestions for how to improve my future videos, please let me know!  You can leave a comment below or email me at



Published by Christy Collins

Hi, I'm Christy! I'm a health coach who helps people overcome SI joint dysfunction and chronic pain.

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